Development of the website for the Quality Management Center of the VDA, including user journey concept, web design, programming, and the technical implementation of custom features.



German automobile club QMC



Development time

~ 4 Months

Customer since


The customer:

The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) is the leading association of German automobile manufacturers and suppliers, headquartered in Berlin. The Quality Management Center (QMC) has been part of the VDA since 1997. The tasks of the QMC include the development of new systems and methods within the automotive value chain, the design of complete quality management systems, and the creation of innovations and standards.

Our job:

  • User-friendly access to all information and content
  • Brand conformity: Web design in accordance with VDA’s Ci
  • Responsive layouts for display on mobile devices
  • Consultation and support for hosting and server management
  • Good SEO performance and technical robustness
  • Data protection and security

Main focus:

The challenge in this project lay in a mix of project management and timing. The QMC consists of various departments with different stakeholders, all of whom were involved in the process. We engaged with each individual and addressed their varying needs. Due to the ambitious timeline, we established various workshop formats to achieve all the milestones defined in the roadmap.

Concept & user journey

Given that the website needed to convey an extensive amount of content, a clear information architecture was a major focus. Initially, we challenged the existing structure and logically shortened or combined some areas. In addition, we designed an innovative navigation concept with an intuitive, expandable mega menu. This ensures that all members and interested parties are not only thoroughly informed but can also navigate the site smoothly.

CAF Design-Sprints

To make the design process effective with a relatively large number of decision-makers on the client’s side, we conducted several full-day design sprints on-site at the VDA’s premises. We prepared predefined design parts, presented them, and then optimized them together. This means that feedback loops and change requests were implemented immediately. Through our approach, we were able to save three weeks in the process.

Technical Implementation

The requirements for the programming were indeed diverse and complex. The focus was on a stable and flexible WordPress CMS (backend) that allows various editorial groups to independently edit and expand all content. Additionally, an automatic CSV import was implemented to generate data according to specific requirements. Further integrations and features complete the solution, providing a comprehensive and holistic outcome.

Handover & onboarding

After completion, we handed over the website to the client. This included not only the technical transfer but also a comprehensive onboarding process. We trained around 25 VDA employees on how to use the website and then stood by as sparring partners. For the website launch, we coordinated with the VDA’s IT department and executed a seamless switch from the old website to the new one.


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