Consulting for a governmental authority, conception, design, and programming of a website including a custom WordPress CMS, plus content production and photoshoots in NRW.



German federal construction office of NRW


Government Authority

Development time

~ 4 months

Customer since


The customer:

The Bundesbau North Rhine-Westphalia is responsible for the construction of buildings for the federal administration. It is accountable for modern infrastructure and bears a special cultural responsibility in construction. In 2022, €245 million in construction volume was realized, and a total of 9,023 buildings were managed.

The job:

  • Development of the first independent web presence
  • Increase the visibility of Bundesbau NRW
  • Position as an attractive employer
  • Generate qualified applicants
  • Ensure the highest possible accessibility

Main focus:

In recent years, the authority has found it increasingly difficult to attract new employees to work in the public sector. This is primarily due to demographic trends, the skills shortage, and competition with the private sector. Therefore, a special focus in the website development was placed on employer branding and positioning Bundesbau as an attractive employer.

Conception & Web Design

Parallel to the conceptual tasks (including user journey mapping, sitemap creation, wireframing), the creative challenge was to develop a modern, professional, serious, and timeless web design style. We had to strike a balance between clearly identifying the affiliation with Bundesbau and incorporating elements of the state of NRW. The result is a very clean style, deliberately reminiscent of aesthetic architecture websites.

Accessible Website

Publicly accessible websites and mobile applications of federal authorities have been required to be accessible for several years, including their own accessibility statement. The accessible implementation of the website for Bundesbau NRW according to the current WCAG and BITV 2.0 standards was therefore a crucial aspect of the project.

Career Landing Page

A dedicated landing page was to be created for the career section of the website. It needed to be usable for campaigns while providing potential applicants with all the important information at a glance. Our task was to present Bundesbau NRW as a modern, efficient authority with diverse responsibilities and as an attractive employer.

Sebastian, Content Production chris and friends

Photoshoot in Münster

To generate trust and authenticity, high-quality (original) content is essential. Therefore, we traveled from Berlin to Münster and captured exciting moments with the camera over two days. In addition to classic portrait photos, we also created authentic work scenes, location photos of the new building, and dynamic group shots.


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