Conception, design, and programming of a modern landing page for the web version of the annual report of Johannesstift Diakonie, including a storytelling approach.



Johannesstift Diakonie gAG


Health, Medicine, Care

Development time

~ 2 months

Customer since


The customer:

Johannesstift Diakonie is the largest faith-based health and social enterprise in the Berlin region and northeastern Germany. More than 10,000 employees provide modern medical care and compassionate support—among others, in 60 different facilities.

Our job:

  • Digitalization of the annual report
  • Bold and creative approach to user navigation
  • Dynamic presentation of content
  • Balancing the existing corporate identity with „fresh“ ideas
  • Future-proofing the website for upcoming annual reports

Main focus:

A (digital) annual report can also be enjoyable. That was the guiding principle for the entire project. To make the consumption (scrolling) experience engaging for all visitors, we placed a special focus on the dynamic presentation of the content. We developed a fully customized web version of the annual report.

User Experience & Navigation

From the outset, it was clear that all content would be displayed on a single page. Challenge accepted! The logical consequence was a long page with a storytelling approach. We deliberately moved away from a completely vertical structure to avoid endless scrolling. Instead, we utilized both the vertical and horizontal planes in the web version, offering visitors the flexibility to navigate the website in multiple directions—not just from top to bottom.

Special features

To implement the innovative navigation concept and create a true web design experience, we incorporated special features. In the header area, for instance, we opted for horizontal scrolling (instead of a classic slider). The centerpiece of the website—the stories—are selectable and overlay the page as a lightbox.

Projektmanagement at its best

The timeline was tight and could only be maintained through seamless project management. This included a clear roadmap with concrete milestones, weekly status meetings, presentation appointments, and transparency in all areas.


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