Development of a standalone career website with a creative design approach, including the integration of Personio as an HR management tool.



hello.de Berlin GmbH


Customer Service/Call Center

Development time

~ 3 months

Customer since


The customer:

hello.de is a customer service company specializing in small and medium-sized businesses as well as startups. More than 600 employees across 6 locations handle customer interactions on behalf of all hello.de clients. The company has been repeatedly recognized as a top employer and is considered one of the best employers for small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany.

The job:

  • Invite website visitors to stay and explore
  • Position hello.de as an attractive employer
  • Generate quality job applications
  • Adapt and develop print designs for web design

Main focus:

hello.de is not just any call center, and its career page should be anything but ordinary. It is specifically targeted at potential applicants and positions hello.de as a young, fresh, innovative, and tolerant employer with a clear corporate culture and lived values. Essentially, it stands out from a traditional call center.

„Pop-Art” Webdesign

Some time ago, hello.de participated in the Christopher Street Day in Berlin with its own truck. The „Pop Art Design“ of the CSD truck was to be adapted for the web design of the career page. Loud. Colorful. IN YOUR FACE! As a central element of the web design, we used distinctive, comic-like illustrations. We combined this style with classic web design elements and humorous, authentic content. Et voilà: The website is now a colorful career playground—and the spirit of the CSD truck lives on.

Personio integration

HR management tools like Personio or softgarden are essential for any career website. hello.de chose Personio as their provider, and we seamlessly integrated the tool into the website. We managed to extend the unique look and feel of the website to the Personio components, ensuring a cohesive appearance throughout.

Custom CMS

The technical foundation of the new website is based on WordPress as the content management system. We placed special emphasis on developing a custom CMS to meet the client’s requirements. By using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), we implemented a custom backend that allows for easy management and customization of content.


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