Creation of a striking and creative web design & development of an effective online store through the WordPress extension WooCommerce.



EveMotion GmbH


Mobility, Technology

Development time

~ 3 months

Customer since


The customer:

The VIRON E-Scooter is a product of EveMotion GmbH from Berlin. The medium-sized company sells a range of innovative products from various areas. VIRON stands out from the crowd of E-Scooters as it can be driven both on the streets of the city and off-road.

The job:

  • Creation of an individual web design based on the product
  • Creating a digital experience for all visitors
  • Responsive layout for display on mobile devices
  • Positioning of the online shop as an acquisition channel

Main focus:

The VIRON XI-1200-S is a real eye-catcher. It was developed with great attention to detail and is visually extremely different from the conventional E-scooters. And it’s that uniqueness and individuality we wanted to capture and convey in our design. We have primarily focused on the product presentation and positioned the VIRON extremely appealing and high-quality.

Kick-off and test ride

The kick-off meeting for this project was deliberately a bit different than usual. Because the first item on the joint agenda was getting to know the VIRON E-Scooter. After a detailed product presentation, we were allowed to test drive the scooter. Afterwards, we took care of organisational matters (e.g. timeline, goals, project management tools) and initial content-related issues (e.g. website structure, user journey, checkout process).

Webdesign & Content

From the very beginning, it was clear that the web design must be unique. We oriented ourselves on the product itself in the creation and adapted our design to it. Particularly striking are the dark background color of the website, the use of bold and large-scale elements, and striking media material. This includes self-shot video sequences, detailed product images, and a 3D model of the VIRON Scooter.

Technical Implementation

In programming, our focus was on a stable and flexible WordPress CMS that is easy for the customer to operate. In addition, we chose WooCommerce as the shop solution. The extension for the WordPress system brings everything with it to integrate an effective and high-performance online shop including checkout and payment process.


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