Comprehensive digital realignment of the law firm, including corporate design and website relaunch, photoshoot and video recordings, including high-resolution drone flights.



Notariat Bergstraße, Hamburg


Law Firm, Legal Services

Development time

~ 4 months

Customer since


The customer:

The Notary Office Bergstraße, located close to Hamburg City Hall, has been one of the oldest and most prestigious notary offices in Hamburg since 1810. With five notaries and more than 100 employees, the firm serves renowned companies and private individuals in all notarial matters.

The job:

  • Consultation regarding the overall digital realignment
  • Optimization of visibility and external perception
  • On-point communication of the notary office’s values
  • Establishment of the website as a relevant acquisition channel
  • Positioning as an attractive employer
  • Goal: Competitive advantage through external presentation

Main focus:

The central guiding theme for the entire project was the fusion of tradition and modern web design. A crucial element of this is the inseparable connection of the Notary Office Bergstraße to the city of Hamburg. The new online presence successfully bridges this gap and elevates the firm to a new level. Tradition and history meet digitalization.

Corporate Identity

In parallel with the website relaunch, the team at Chris and friends developed a modern interpretation of the traditional law firm logo in just three weeks. This achieved the visual balance between the brand’s durability and tradition, and the demands of digital media, including the new website.

Website Relaunch

The new website was designed to reflect the standing of the notary office and significantly boost its online reputation. A completely custom web design was created with a clear focus on the firm partners, the location, the history of the notary office, and the areas of practice. An important feature of the CMS is a custom-programmed client area.

Content production

Authentic photo and video material were absolute must-haves for the new external presentation of the notary office, and they were used at all key points in the web design. Our content team spent several days on-site in Hamburg to carry out the entire shoot. Highlights certainly include our drone footage as well as the portraits of the firm partners and employees.


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