Concept, design, and programming for the Haferkater Shopify online shop and development of the website on WordPress CMS.



Haferkater GmbH



Development time

~ 3 Months

Customer since


The customer:

The company, awarded the German Gastro Gründer Preis, is represented nationwide at all major hubs with physical stores. Haferkater products capture the zeitgeist of a predominantly young audience, can be found in local supermarkets, and are now also available in the online shop.

Our job:

  • Strict adherence to the existing corporate identity
  • Extension of the Ci with new, relevant web design elements
  • Development of a custom Haferkater icon set
  • Consultation on WooCommerce vs. Shopify CMS
  • Development and subsequent integration of the Shopify shop

Design and layout

After completing mockups and wireframes for optimized user guidance in less than 2 weeks, the visual web design presented the greatest challenge: high-quality imagery, specific color and texture patterns had to be harmonized with the internal typography. Eyecatchers and key visuals were explicitly desired, with the clear directive to „avoid using oat ears“ as such.

The Onlineshop

We at Chris and friends were particularly pleased with the second contract award: the development of the Haferkater online shop based on Shopify. In terms of visuals and design, we were able to leverage the work done in the first project and seamlessly integrate the Shopify shop into the existing website.

Custom Solution

Together with the client, we decided from day one to opt for a custom open-source solution for this website project, rather than using web design templates or a SaaS solution. This ensures data sovereignty and allows for seamless custom extensions at any time.

Client Testimonial

Anna Schubert, Haferkater

We were looking for an agency that would build us a professional website while also incorporating our own ideas with a lot of sensitivity. Questions were always answered very quickly, accommodatingly, and patiently. Additionally, we received great tips on design and SEO. A very warm and friendly team!


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