Development of the Corporate Website 2.0 with a special focus on creative and individual UI/UX design, frontend and backend programming + content production & photo shoots in Hamburg



Bauer Advance KG


Media, Publishing House

Development Time

4 Months

Customer since


The Customer

The Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media companies worldwide. As a central marketer, BAUER ADVANCE reaches over half of the people in Germany. With relevant content across all channels, BAUER ADVANCE offers top reach across various title groups and diverse industries.

Our Job:

  • Bold further development of corporate identity
  • Development of a website that all stakeholders can be proud of
  • Creative and eye-catching web design
  • Flexible/intuitive CMS (WordPress) for various user groups
  • Overview of all content channels including query options
  • Authentic presentation of the company

Main Focus:

BAUER ADVANCE had completely outgrown its old corporate Webseite—no one felt comfortable with the online presence anymore. Our mission was a logical consequence of this starting point: the creation of a new digital home for BAUER ADVANCE. Accordingly, we developed a website that perfectly fits the values and identity of the company.

Lisa, Head of Project Management
chris and friends

Webdesign and Layout

Compared to the old design, a completely new style was to be created. Colorful and loud instead of blue and boring. Bold and confident instead of small and boxed in. We consciously aimed for a creative implementation. Part of the new look and feel include rounded corners, unique shapes, and a fresh color palette. Additionally, we employed a frosted glass morphism effect and made the menu particularly noticeable by aligning it to the left.

WordPress CMS

The new BAUER ADVANCE website is alive! This means content is regularly updated and added, such as new news articles and case studies. To ensure this process runs smoothly, we created a custom backend (content management system) that allows for easy and intuitive operation. The WordPress CMS is an effective tool that enables our client to work entirely autonomously.

Custom Programming

The website also has a lot to offer technically. With a custom CSV import feature, BAUER ADVANCE can automatically upload current figures such as circulation and media reach onto the website. Additionally, we developed a unique tool called the „Content Compass“ for campaign planning.

Sebastian, Content Production chris and friends

Photos and Videos

TEAMED FOR SUCCESS – that’s the slogan of BAUER ADVANCE. Therefore, an important part of the new website is featuring the people behind the scenes. We planned and executed three photo shoots on location in Hamburg. Through the resulting photo and video material, we were able to add even more authenticity and quality to the website.


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